Those Breakfast Cookies


The Recipe

Makes: 12 x 80g cookies
Preparation: 15 minutes
Baking Time: 15-20 minutes

The wonderful, delicious, transportable treat only received the name ‘cookie’ in the early 1700s thanks to Dutch settlers in America who brought with them koekje, a type of buttery cookie/cake.

Cookies for breakfast - is that wrong?

You are an adult - why the hell not……. I would assume that you wouldn’t eat cookies for breakfast every day, though, that would just be greedy and could possibly get a tad boring. Granola, well, that’s basically these cookie ingredients thrown in a bowl with milk poured over them so don’t at all feel guilty about it.

I love cookies. More than cakes, chocolate or bread. They are easy to make and even easier to eat as a snack, for dessert and in this case, breakfast.

It’s quite wonderful how the cookie was invented. I use the word ‘cookie’ loosely as it was merely a small dab of cake batter placed in an ‘oven’ to see if the temperature was hot enough to bake a cake. Without sugar, there would be no cookie as we know it today and we must appreciate the Persians of the 7th Century who were one of the first to cultivate sugar. The journey of sugar, its cultivation and uses spread to the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe and so did the ‘cookie’.

The wonderful, delicious, transportable treat only received the name ‘cookie’ in the early 1700s thanks to Dutch settlers in America who brought with them koekje, a type of buttery cookie/cake.

If I don’t eat all these cookies in one sitting, I will freeze them after they are baked and defrost them the night before. You are more than welcome to substitute the fruit for chocolate, nuts or whatever is in the pantry. Enjoy this recipe in all its simplicity, ease and delicious sweet wonder.


120g rolled oats
220g plain flour
3g/1tsp cinnamon powder
1.5g/1/2 tsp ginger powder
60g grated coconut
160g light muscovado sugar
130g unsalted butter, cubed
60mls water
¼ tsp fine sea salt
2 tbsp golden syrup
70g raisins
70g cranberries
70g pepitas
1tsp bicarbonate soda


Preheat the oven to 160’C and line the baking tray with greaseproof paper
Mix the oats, flour, spices, coconut, sugar, and fruit in a bowl
Put the water, syrup, and butter in a pan until melted. Remove from the heat and add the bicarbonate soda
Pour the butter mixture into a dry mix and combine
Roll 80g of the mixture into balls and flatten slightly before placing them on a baking tray. Allow 3-4cm spacing around each cookie
Bake in the oven for 12-18 minutes.
Allow to cook for 5 minutes before turning onto a cooling rack to cool completely.