Handmade Pork Dumplings with Tom Yum Bechamel

The Recipe

Serves: 3-4 people
Preparation: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 10-15 minutes

Dumplings can be traced back to ancient China, where they were made from a simple mixture of flour and water, and often filled with meat or vegetables.

Tom Yum soup is a classic and this dish isn’t.
I absolutely love dumplings whether they are steamed or fried, with or without meat, and always with a delightful sauce, preferably with chilli.

Whenever I get that dumpling craving I will buy from the experts - my half-Chinese heritage is definitely halved again when it comes to cooking anything authentic from my Dad’s side. I read about it, and I try - so be nice.

In all serious (ness) this is an easy quick dish to make and can be made with dumplings you already have in the freezer.
If you have the time and nimble fingers - make the dumplings too!



300g fatty pork mince
a small thumb size piece of ginger, finely chopped
2 cloves finely chopped garlic
50g soaked and finely
20g finely chopped spring onion
1tsp white pepper
pinch of salt or a dash of soy sauce
Round dumpling wrappers


30g salted butter
30g plain flour
270mls coconut milk
135mls water or chicken stock
1 tsp white pepper
1-2 tsp fish sauce
1 x lime juice
80g good tom yum paste


  1. Combine all the above ingredients, except for the wrappers, of course

  2. Lay out each wrapper, one at a time (make sure the others are covered otherwise they will dry out)

  3. Place a generous teaspoon of the filling in the centre of the wrapper, brush one side with water and press down to make a semi-circle.

  4. Make sure the dumpling is sealed and all the air is squeezed out.

  5. Crimp the edges of the dumpling skin to secure the seal. I am not an expert in this but I did stumble upon this little video that shows you close up on different ways to fold your dumplings.

  6. Once they are all crimped to your liking, set aside and make Tom Yum ‘bechamel’.

  7. While making the bechamel have your steamer ready to pop in the dumplings as soon as the sauce is almost done.

  8. Heat the butter in a saucepan on a medium to low heat. When it has melted, add the flour and stir for a few minutes.

  9. While stirring, add the coconut milk gradually and then the water/stock.

  10. Once the sauce is smooth and can coat the back of a spoon, whisk in fish sauce, tom yum paste and lime juice.

  11. Adjust the seasoning as your heart desires.

When the dumplings are done, stir through the sauce carefully and garnish with chillies, coriander and nori salt.
